Tuesday, February 9, 2010


For the first time in a long time, the stars were out. I decided that I might try another technique I read about, astrophotography. Now I don't have any fancy telescopes to take pictures of stars light years away, so i decided to bring back my kit lens. I usually don't use the kit lens because my other lenses have much better image quality. However, the kit happens to have a wider focal length, so it's good for this kind of scenario. Now I won't go into all the technical details about the picture, but I will just say that those streaks across the sky are all stars moving over the course of 32 minutes. The last thing I also wish to mention is that the sky was not blue, it just looks that way because of light pollution in this city. I gotta go camping sometime...


  1. dude do more of those long style ones i always think those are sweet

  2. That is one slow ass shutter speed, man.
    I'm going to be honest, because I love you and all that juicy stuff, but the subject in this photo isn't very exciting in itself. Most of your photograph is the vast light pollution, which is unfortunate.
    Not one of your best, but everyone has their day.
