Saturday, February 20, 2010

Piece of heaven

I'm gunna be honest, I'm a man who loves his pumpkin pie. It really doesn't matter what time of year it is, anytime is good for pumpkin pie. In fact, I've gone as far as to make a limerick about my love for pumpkin pie

There once was a piece of pie
And not a single day would go by
that it wouldn't get eaten
or at least go meetin'
it's end of existence, goodbye!


  1. Aww, dude. Gross. That's the cheap fuckin' pie! It tastes disgusting. You have to get the Farmer's Market pie or make it. Seriously.

  2. dude, I normally don't comment on my own blog because it feels kinda weird, but I will make an exception here. That is the Farmer's Market pie. I work in the bloody bakery, you think I don't know which pies are good? Seriously.
