One of the things I love about doing this daily photo thing is the new perepective I have of the world. I'm finding myself looking for new ways to look at things, like this doorknob for example. It's such a common item, used frequently each and every day, yet I never noticed it until today. The thing is, this kind of thing has been happening more and more in my everyday life, which is just awesome.
I'm not one enjoys living in regret, but to have had this kind of sight in my younger days would've changed many things. Not just like, taking pictures, but just seeing things in a different light. There seems to be beauty and complexity in everything in life. But hey, it's good now, and there's no reason it should change in the future
Spoons are way better, to be honest. Door knobs are great. We all love our knobs best, but spoon surfaces are pretty bitchin'.