Now people may argue, they act this way because it only happens once a year. In that case, it's only right to make it extra special, right? I guess so, except for the fact that the orgins make no sense. Personally, it bugs me when something this big doesn't have a concrete origin, like say.....the whole Terminator franchise. I could do an entire rant about the movies, but I'll save that for another time. What I'm trying to say here is that Valentine's Day doesn't make much sense to me.
I'm not trying to put down Valentine's Day or anything like that, and I'm certainly not trying to stop it from happening. I'd be a hypocrite if I argued against making the best of each day. I'd just like poeple to appreciate the love they have, not the love that they're supposed to have. Just remember, there's nothing sexier than authenticity.
Synopsis: Kinta is alone. Poor guy.