Friday, March 5, 2010


I really don't know if I should be saying that it's finally spring break, or it's already spring break. I really feel like it's a bit of both. This last week has been simply crazy, and yet to think that it's already March is just insane. I spent quite a bit of time tonight on my computer just sorting through hundreds of photographs since I hadn't been able to recently. It's kinda strange how doing work can be viewed in the same manner as time, in that there seems to be a lot of work, but at the end, it's not that bad. There always tends to be several ways of seeing things, right?

UPDATE - I finally posted those photos from Olympic Downtown, check them out here if you like

1 comment:

  1. Killing me slowly, Kinta. I like the photos you've been putting up so far, except for a few exceptions. This is sorta one of those exceptions. Your choice of subject is either the blurry apple or the keyboard. It probably would've been better to angle a short to the keyboard more or focus on the apple instead. My opinion, the subject isn't clear here.
