Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today was a very exciting day for many gamers, as the new pokemon game was released. Well, I guess new is only half of the story. It's actually a remake of the gameboy colour game. On the left is the original game, which was released in Oct 2000, and on the right is the new version. Anyways, I hold that original game very close to my heart, seeing as it was favourite game when I was growing up. I remember coming home and looking forward to playing it for hours on end. I was never any good at sports, but I knew I was a pokemon master in that game.

And now it's 2010. 10 years; I'm still having a tough time imagining that. Mind you, I didn't start playing the original the day it was released, I got it a few years later. But I digress. Pokemon itself has been around for 12 years, and is still strong to this date. It's just funny how a franchise could affect so many people. I know that I'm not alone in owning both these games. I'm just curious as to how younger kids will see this new game. Heck, it makes me feel old. That's something somebody my age shouldn't be saying.

Anyways, I could go on and on about how much this means, but I have to be up in 7 hours from now. Maybe I shouldn't have played so much today and posted this sooner haha

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