Tuesday, November 9, 2010


A lot of things happen on a rainy day like today. Sure, it's pretty inconvenient when you want to get somewhere, and you get all soaked in the process. But on the other hand, you sometimes discover something absolutely beautiful in the process. You just gotta find it for yourself. And I think is true for a lot of things in life. Yeah, I know I'm sounding super cheesy at the moment, but hear me out. You'll sometimes meet those pessimists that complain about everything. And then you have your optimists that try to find the good side in everything. To me, it seems like there isn't always a good and/or bad side to everything in life. Some things in life just suck. Period. Other things are just plain awesome. But when you start thinking about the good and bad sides of everything, nothing is pure anymore. Everything just sorta becomes neutral.

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just saying that I like a little more variety in life. When I step in doggy doo doo, I don't want to think about how that helps fertilize the soil. I want to get on and find a pot of gold later on. Just remember that that pot of gold isn't just going to appear. You have to find it. You have to want to find it. If you want something bad enough, you'll find your own way there. Just don't stare at the bottom of your shoe all day

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