Saturday, July 10, 2010

Night and Day

So after a bit of thinking, a thought occurs. Where do I stand as a photographer? I'm not trying to categorize or label myself as a photographer. I'm just wondering about skills and where I'm headed. In all honesty, I've never really been the "artsy" kind. I don't wear skinny jeans, plaid shirts, or a beret. I'm just the guy with the camera. Until this point, one of my biggest goals in my work is to capture an event in time. But I've come to realize that there's more to photography than just recording events as they unfold. What I'm talking about is the creation of images. Like, creating interesting images for the sake of viewing pleasure, not just to chronicle life in an image. Sure, it's an incredible feeling when you take a photo during a championship sports match that captures the action and atmosphere of the environment all in one clear, crisp photograph. But what about something like portrait photography? Something abstract, something you wouldn't see in everyday life. A fabricated scenario if you will.

Anyways, I just think it's about time I stepped out of my comfort zone a little. It's the only way I'll really ever learn anyways. I mean come on, even doing this blog has showed me a lot :P