Thursday, May 20, 2010


Great scott, the time machine worked! I'm back in 1955!

Lol, I kid of course. But seriously, I thought this was a really interesting photo. Windsor had its carnival today, and there was a whole heck of a lot of things to do. And I admit, there were a lot of cool booths set up in the gym. There was a station with Rock Band hooked up to TVs and speakers, a jell-o eating contest, darts, etc. Everyone was just having a lot of fun, and it was awesome. And then I started thinking, and one of the things that caught my attention was that some things just never change. Now I've seen those 1950's carnivals in movies and pictures, but I've never experienced one for myself.

Or have I? The fundamental principals remain unchanging. People come, people spend money, people get food and prives, people have a good time, people leave. The experience as a whole is one in the same. So by that rationale, I suppose I have experienced one. I suppose the fact that some booths are identical helps out too, like this popcorn machine. I imagine there are probably more technically advanced and efficient ways of producing popcorn, but this still remains because it has that great, canival-like feel to it.

Then again, I just love retro stuff, so my opinions are quite biased lol

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