Thursday, January 28, 2010

Here we go

Well now, it seems like just yesterday that I was blogging about geting fired up for Semi. Time really flies eh? Anyways, I'll be heading out to Big White this weekend, so naturally I probably won't be able to update the blog. HOWEVER, do not fear, dear readers. I will take a digital camera and take some sweet photos during the trip, as long as a video, which will be posted to my Facebook. I will also be blogging on my iPod touch in the form of a note, which I will copy and paste to a blog post when I get back. So pretty much, I'll still be taking, posting, and reflecting on a pic everyday, I just won't be able to upload it because I don't have the necessary equipment with me...unless someone wants to lend me a Macbook, SDCH card reader, and access to the internet lol

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